Explore hundreds of practice exercises designed to build your confidence in your reading ability. Practice reading efficiently with real world texts like newspaper articles.
Check the Active Reading help guide.
Arrivals in English
Arrivals in English
Arrivals in English provides essential, everyday English to newcomers adjusting to life in their local community. Aimed at Beginner-level learners.
Check the Arrivals in English help guide.
Clear Pronunciation - Sounds
Clear Pronunciation 1 - Sounds
Learn to hear, recognise and pronounce the 43 sounds of English through audio, video and interactive activities. Work with each sound in isolation, in words, sentences and in authentic texts.
Check the Clear Pronunciation help guide.
Clear Pronunciation - Speech
Clear Pronunciation 2 - Speech
Learn to put the 43 sounds of English together in clear, intelligible speech. Learn about consonant clusters, word stress, sentence stress, connected speech and intonation.
Check the Clear Pronunciation help guide.
Road to IELTS
Road to IELTS
Road to IELTS includes over 300 interactive activities, 17 videos giving advice and tutorials, 40 practice tests — everything you need to get a great IELTS score!
Check the Road to IELTS help guide.
Study Skills Success
Study Skills Success
Develop a range of study skills that underpin academic success in the last years of school and higher education. Learn critical thinking, independent learning, avoiding plagiarism and much more.
Check the Study Skills Success help guide.
Tense Busters
Tense Buster
Tense Buster helps learners break through the grammar barrier with courses on the 33 key grammar areas. Find your level of confidence with five learner levels, and grow from there.
Check the Tense Buster help guide.
Transparent Language
Transparent Language
Take your language learning on the go with over 100 languages to learn. Practice core skills such as alphabet recognition, vocabulary, pronunciation and reading comprehension.