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ePlatform eBooks Migrating to BorrowBox

Wheeler's eBooks move to BorrowBox on Wednesday 2nd April, 2025

Our eBook collection is moving from ePlatform to BorrowBox on 2nd April, 2025. They will appear in one convenient location, with eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers all available through the BorrowBox app. 

Our ePlatform site will be closing, and you will be able to search BorrowBox and the BorrowBox app to find the eBooks from the former collection, and many more new ones. 

Borrowed eBooks downloaded from ePlatform will be available until 2nd April. After that date, you will need to borrow them again from BorrowBox. Any outstanding reservations will need to be reserved again on the BorrowBox platform. We're sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you enjoy the improved experience in the BorrowBox app.

BorrowBox Access Info

BorrowBox has many great features and is rapidly becoming more popular. Putting the eBooks and eAudiobooks together in one place with eMagazines and eNewspapers makes it easier to find what you're looking for, and add more new books to the collection.

You can keep using ePlatform until 2nd April, 2025. You can borrow eBooks until 26th March, 2025, and downloaded eBooks can be read as normal.

ePlatform will no longer be available after 2nd April, 2025.

You can reserve eBooks in ePlatform until 19th March, 2025. Reservation queues will not move to BorrowBox; you will need to place the reservation again on the BorrowBox platform. We're sorry for the inconvenience and are adding extra copies of popular titles to shorten the queues.

No, all ePlatform loans will end on 2nd of April. This means that eBooks borrowed until that time will have progressively shorter loan periods.

No, this is personal to your account and is not available to us to transfer.

No, this is personal to your account and is not available to us to transfer.

No, this is personal to your account and is not available to us to transfer.

Yes, because we will be adding new content to the same place, instead of dividing it between ePlatform and BorrowBox.

Yes, please visit our BorrowBox Help Guide for information on how to use the site and the app, or talk to our friendly staff.

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